Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. On site estimates are the most accurate way to plan and price a move and we highly recommend it.   Estimates are free, so please call or use the appointment calendar to set up an in-home estimate.

Yes. Flammable items, ammunition, currency and jewelry, as well as liquid and perishable food items are generally not included on the move.  If you have any of these items that need to be moved, please make sure you talk to us about transporting them.

If you need to move on short notice, call us and we will do our best to accommodate you, however at least one weeks notice is appreciated.

We know exactly how to do this and provide a packing service, either full or partial where we come to your residence and pack everything for you.  If you prefer to do it yourself, we will guide you.  Many customers elect for partial packing.  This means the customer packs non breakable items such as books, towels etc.  We will pack all your fragile and breakable items, including your TV’s etc.  Some items require custom crating and we take of this for you too.  Please remember that how you pack can affect your insurance.  PBO (packed by owner) often doesn’t qualify for insurance, as Insurance companies are wary that the belongings are not packed by a professional company.

It depends on the type of furniture and what’s in it. To play it safe, it’s always better to empty furniture prior to moving as some drawer rails or bottoms break when lifted with additional weight in them. If you have to leave items in dressers drawers, do not leave anything heavier than light socks or underwear. Never leave bottles or glass items in drawers.

Yes. At least 24 hours notice is required.

Yes. As a company policy, we do not hire temporary help.

Yes. Our fleet of trucks is new, well maintained, and covered by a nationwide service contract should a problem arise.  Our trucks are installed with a central GPS system which means we can track your load at every given moment.

No problem at all.  It happens all the time.  We work together every step of the way, and notify you of any additional charges if you increase your inventory

Most furniture can be wrapped with moving pads, which are provided free of charge. Some items such as mirror, marble, glass, artwork and electronic items may require custom crating which will be provided at an additional charge. We offer a full line of wrapping and crating materials.

Absolutely.  But we don’t think you’ll want that after the video chat estimate.  Our estimators are experienced and you’ll be amazed how easily they determine all you have, and can easily give you a fair price.

Sure.  We provide long term and short term storage in our warehouses, which cover many states.

As with every industry, you are not obligated to tip. However, tips are greatly appreciated by movers. A general rule of thumb for is about $8.00 per mover per hour.

If the job goes on for many hours, the movers will need a lunch break.  However, our movers will never take a lunch hour at the expense of the customer.

Most definitely.  We plastic wrap your furniture and using furniture pads to keep your items safe and clean.

If the roads are open, we’ll be there. We will use extra care to ensure the safety of your goods.

No problem at all.  You can reschedule or cancel your move up to 48 hours in advance.

Packing Tips

Organize your move easily with these great tips

Moving Planner

Take advantage of our free moving planner for an easy stress free move

Customer Help

Go back to the main customer help page for different information

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